EC Wire is usually found in the overhead or underground entry wire that feeds the electric to your home. It usually has 1 bare set of strands with a steel core and 2 coated set of strands without a steel core if the wire runs overhead to your building , the underground version has 3 or 4 sets of strands covered with a hard plastic type covering.
To be clean EC Wire all steel cores and plastic coverings must be completly removed . This is usually a very difficult project as the steel wire isnt easy to get out nor is the palstic coating easy to strip off . Burning this type material is not only against the law but also seriously devalues it , Usually when burned it melts the aluminum which thens picks up dirt , plastic , rocks etc as the metal cools and the resulting mess just isnt pretty , nor is it worth much.
Hand stripping the wire is very hard and dangerous and usually requires a very sharp knife. We have seen many serious cuts from trying to do this job. If you are not up to the challenge of cleaning this wire it can be sold as a lower grade of coated wire called ACSR Wire . In that form you will get paid for the plastic and steel core plus the aluminum all in one flat price . We then sell it as is to companys that have huge machines called choppers that cut it all into bits and sort it for recovery , much easier and safer !
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