Hall's Famous Blog

Apr 2011

Hanging Baskets and Vegetable Transplant Update

We are very happy to announce that we are stocked full of beautiful hanging baskets! Just the thing for Mother's day that is coming up so soon. These hanging baskets are $12.95 each, just like last year and they are absolutely gorgeous! Petunias, fuchsias, geraniums, begonias, and more in hanging baskets so full of blooms they are practically bursting at the seams. We brought in a whole new bunch on Thursday, April 21st so come on out and get yours fast before they are all gone!

Also for those veggie gardeners out there we have a few cole crops left but when they are gone, that will be the last of them this season. Same with the seed potatoes and onion sets, they have gone quick and we love to see that, just make sure to get yours before supplies run out. It can be very hard to try to predict exactly how much the community will need but we do the best that we can.

Now in addition we have more veggie starts that the supply is greater of and these include strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, and eggplant. The time is ripe to get these little fellows, take them home and get them in the ground. It is still a good idea to have a few cloches just in case a late frost sneaks in. Cloches are very easily made from an empty and cleaned milk jug or two liter bottle with the bottom cut off. Do not leave the plants under these during the day though or you may cook them.

Feel free to call and check plant availability on the veggie starts. The hanging baskets are best appreciated when seen, they are absolutely gorgeous. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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